January 21, 2021 Message to Families

January 21, 2021


Dear Parents/ Guardians,

It has been so wonderful hearing the positive comments from families and staff this past week.  Although we find ourselves in very difficult times, everyone is pulling together and great things are happening.

Teachers and DECE’s are working on report cards that will be going home in February. We are finalizing our plans for Black History Month which will include a guest speaker, Aubrey Clarke who will visit us virtually. More details will follow.  February 24 is Pink Shirt Day which focuses on bullying prevention and intervention. We encourage all students to wear a pink shirt on this day as we continue to work on building and supporting positive peer relationships in our school and the broader community.

I wish everyone a great weekend ahead and would like to leave you with the following prayer:


There is no sorrow God is not aware of,

There is no valley where He does not dwell.

God is journeying with you always.

Moment by moment, trust Him completely,

Memory by memory, fill your thoughts with His faithfulness,

Day by day, rest quietly in His love


Linda E. Knight, The Language of Prayer, SPS Studios, Inc. 2000


Mr. Amos