Happy Easter
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Attached is an easter message on behalf of everyone at Good Shepherd CES.
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Attached is an easter message on behalf of everyone at Good Shepherd CES.
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Please see the attached letter regarding Share Life.
Thank You!
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Please see the attached flyer regarding Carnaval next week. Many thanks to Ms. Comeau and Ms. Rocci for all of their work in preparing for this week!
Kindest Regards,
Mr. Amos
February 1, 2021
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Please see the message below regarding report card distribution.
Subject: Elementary Report Card Distribution Update
This is Mr. Amos, Principal of Good Shepherd CES with an important update.
Term 1 – Elementary Report Cards will be available in electronic format.
Our school will be delivering report cards ... Continue reading "Report Card Information"
February is Black History Month
This month students will be involved in a variety of activities in their classes focusing on Black History. Activities include literature, art, research and more. One of our highlights will be to welcome Aubrey Clarke to Good Shepherd CES. on February 3, 2021. He will work with our students in two sessions. JK-3 at 9:30 a.m. and Grades ... Continue reading "February is Black History Month"
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
This has been another very active week with remote learning at Good Shepherd CES. A reminder that this coming Monday February 1, 2021 is a P.A. day for staff and as such there will be no classes. Classes will resume remotely on Tuesday February 2.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Amos