Category: General

Welcome to Kindergarten

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I would like to welcome all families registering their children for kindergarten for the 2020-2021 school year. Our kindergarten teams will be contacting our new families to have a two way sharing of information. These sessions will take place during the last two weeks of May. For students registering after this time, our team will reach out to you as well. ... Continue reading "Welcome to Kindergarten"

Catholic Eduction Week

Dear Parent/Guardians,

I would like to thank everyone for a wonderful Catholic Education Week. So many creative and fun experiences were enjoyed. This past Wednesday during the Mass dedicated to Catholic Education Week, His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins had some special words for us. He stated that “We are sent on a mission far greater than ourselves” and that ” When our hope ... Continue reading "Catholic Eduction Week"

Prayer and Update

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Another successful week of on line learning is concluding. I have been thrilled to hear many success stories of how well things are going with our new learning format. It has been a big change for everyone and I thank you for all of your hard work!

Over the next few weeks, we will be sending home refunds for ... Continue reading "Prayer and Update"

Pancake Tuesday

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

This coming Tuesday February 25, 2020, we will be serving students pancakes for Pancake Tuesday. I would like to thank our parent volunteers for their hard work in organizing this activity.


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Next week is Carnival at Good Shepherd CES. On Tuesday afternoon students will be involved in an indoor playday involving bean bag toss, crafts, dance, sports and more. On Wednesday students from grades 4-8 will be going to the ROC tubing. On Thursday, students from grades 1-3 will be skating at the East Gwillimbury Sports Complex. We thank Madame Montesano for ... Continue reading "Carnival"

Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day

On February 25th we will be asking students to wear a pink shirt to represent our stand against bullying and our focus on developing positive peer relationships. Many thanks to Ms. DiSera and our Positive Peer Relationship and John XXIII committees for organizing this event.