Category: General

Curriculum/Meet the Teacher Night – Sept. 22

Please join us as we open our school doors to parents and students for Curriculum/Meet the Teacher Night on Thursday, September 22, 2022 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. We are very excited to once again welcome you in person and hope to see everyone there. Stop by our Catholic School Council table to see how you can help support the school with your time. See ... Continue reading "Curriculum/Meet the Teacher Night – Sept. 22"

Coby the Magician Anti-Bullying Magic Show: Feb. 23rd

We welcome Coby for this exciting virtual Anti-Bully Magic Show covering: Verbal, Physical, and Cyber-Bullying in a super fun and interactive Virtual Magic Show. The show will include:

Parent Anti-Black Racism Workshop: Feb. 10 @ 7:00-8:30 pm.

This parent workshop is an effective look at racism in a combination of practical advice statistics, and historical context, and interactive activities to help unpack biases and promote allyship for all. Parents will come away from the workshop with:

Good Shepherd Carnaval 2022

This year the french department has planned a week of Carnaval fun for the students at Good Shepherd!!!  Carnaval will take place the week of February 7th – February 11th.  Every day of the week has a theme day that students are encouraged to participate in.  Please see the Carnaval calendar.

In addition, there will be virtual Carnaval bingo!!!  Every morning there will ... Continue reading "Good Shepherd Carnaval 2022"

Black History Month at GSD

February is Black History Month. It is a time for Canadians to celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians who, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate and prosperous nation it is today. It is also an opportunity to recognize historic and present forms of anti-Black racism in Ontario and challenge negative stereotypes and systems of oppression. ... Continue reading "Black History Month at GSD"