Category: General

Triple P positive Parenting Program

GSD parents are invited to join OLGC and surrounding schools for the Positive Parenting Program seminars which are a series of three workshops for parents of children ages 0-12. Offering easy to understand and practical strategies, Triple P seminars are a great tool to help families navigate many challenging parenting situations.

When: January 18, 2023: Power of Positive Parenting, February 8, 2023: Raising ... Continue reading "Triple P positive Parenting Program"

French Immersion: SK Students Can Apply Now

The York Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce that the application process for the Regional French Immersion Program is currently underway for the 2023-2024 school year. Good Shepherd SK students are invited to apply for admission into the French Immersion Program at St. Elizabeth Seton CES for grade 1. Applications for grade 1 will continue to be accepted until January 20, 2023. Please ... Continue reading "French Immersion: SK Students Can Apply Now"

Dress For Winter Play

December to March are the coldest months in Canada. Layers under a winter coat plus snow pants are great. All primary students need snow pants in order to play on the field during winter months. Please also include extra mitts, socks, and a hat in your child’s knapsack. An extra set of clothing for younger students is also a good idea.  Students always need to ... Continue reading "Dress For Winter Play"

Christmas Spirit Week

We would like to encourage the spirit of Christmas by dedicating some fun themed dress-up dates for the following days:

  • Mon., Dec. 19: Advent Colour Day (Pink, Purple, White, &/or Green)
  • Tues., Dec. 20: Christmas or Winter Pyjama Day
  • Wed., Dec. 21: Christmas Hat/Headwear or Christmas Colours Day
  • Thurs., Dec. 22: Christmas Accessories or Christmas Colours
  • ... Continue reading "Christmas Spirit Week"

School Christmas Sing-A-Long

Good Shepherd will be continuing the Christmas celebrations on Tuesday, December 20 @ 1:00 p.m. with our school Christmas sing-a-long. Music teachers, Mrs. Elbers and Mr. Bianchini, as well as some junior and intermediate students, will lead us in singing some Christmas classics.


Kindergarten Christmas Concert

The Kindergarten classes will be performing a Christmas concert  on Friday, December 16 at 1:30 p.m. Parents/grandparents are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to the invitation sent out. Don’t forget to bring your cameras!